The Geekbox
Are you a geek? Do you like geeky stuff? Do you like listening to other geeks talk about geeky stuff? Join professional nerds Ryan Scott, Justin Haywald, and Ryan Higgins as they sound off on the latest happenings in the worlds of gaming, film, television, and comics. Head over to for the latest -- new episode every other Tuesday!
The Geekbox: Episode 273

Wherein we discuss FanimeCon 2014, anime and Peter Pan syndrome, Escape from the Moon Base, Watch Dogs, NES Remix 2, X-Men: Days of Future Past (big spoiler warning!), Buffy the Vampire Slayer, our favorite beat 'em ups, old games and systems, nerd hoarding, and the big exciting Sailor Moon news for weeaboos. Starring Ryan Scott, Justin Haywald, and Ryan Higgins, with special guest Evan Minto.

Direct download: GeekboxRadio_Ep273.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:45pm PDT

The Geekbox: Episode 272

Wherein we discuss Guardians of the Galaxy, Vin Diesel's amazing career, Stockholm syndrome, Taken, The Raid 2, Game of Thrones, Maleficent, Godzilla (mild spoilers), San Francisco geography lessons, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the Marvel movie universe vs. the DC movie universe, seeing movies way too many times, modern-day adventure games, crazy bugs in games, Star Trek, and a retro Geekbox/Adam Sessler crossover. Starring Ryan Scott, Adam Fitch, Justin Haywald, and Ryan Higgins.

Direct download: GeekboxRadio_Ep272.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:30pm PDT

The Geekbox: Episode 271

Wherein we discuss late podcasts, scheduling idiocy, Mario Kart 8, number stations, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, vampires vs. sunlight, Channing Tatum as Gambit, the new Batman costume, douchey celebrities, the insanity of George Lucas, '90s Sega awesomeness, and introversion vs. extroversion. Starring Ryan Scott, Adam Fitch, Justin Haywald, and Ryan Higgins.

Direct download: GeekboxRadio_Ep271.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:00am PDT

The Geekbox: Episode 270

Wherein we discuss random disappearances, $20 games, possessiveness and sports teams, real-life murder mysteries (sort of), Justin's adventures in Vancouver, Mario Golf: World Tour, Kirby: Triple Deluxe, Bravely Default, learning new languages, sunk cost fallacies, Call of Duty: Colonial Warfare, Hearthstone, the power of imagination, the cast of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Coherence, the cast of Star Wars, Internet insanity, and Marvel merchandise. Starring Ryan Scott, Adam Fitch, and Justin Haywald.

Direct download: GeekboxRadio_Ep270.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:30pm PDT