The Geekbox
Are you a geek? Do you like geeky stuff? Do you like listening to other geeks talk about geeky stuff? Join professional nerds Ryan Scott, Justin Haywald, and Ryan Higgins as they sound off on the latest happenings in the worlds of gaming, film, television, and comics. Head over to for the latest -- new episode every other Tuesday!
The Geekbox: Episode 362

Wherein we discuss text-walking, Deadpool, Daredevil: Season 2, DC's Legends of Tomorrow, Street Fighter V, Fire Emblem: Fates, The X-Files, good games vs. great games, Dark Souls, and playing games with significant others. Starring Ryan Scott, Adam Fitch, Justin Haywald, Ryan Higgins, and Alice Liang.

Direct download: GeekboxRadio_Ep362.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:30am PDT

The Geekbox: Episode 361

Wherein we discuss Star Wars: Episode VIII, Zoolander 2, Deadpool, Firewatch, Overwatch, R-rated superhero films, The Walking Dead, Sleepy Hollow, Agent Carter, Lucifer, Dark Souls, and the perfect Harvest Moon game for Animal Crossing junkies. Starring Ryan Scott, Adam Fitch, Justin Haywald, Ryan Higgins, and Alice Liang.

Direct download: GeekboxRadio_Ep361.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:30am PDT

The Geekbox: Episode 360

Wherein we discuss Lunar New Year, sportsball, The X-Files, The Venture Bros., updating car firmware, mixing gaming and comic fans, the games we keep coming back to, Mother 3's (rumored) U.S. release, nerdy "what super powers would you have?" questions, our favorite game trailers, our probable epitaphs, and crazy existential quandaries. Starring Ryan Scott, Adam Fitch, Justin Haywald, Ryan Higgins, and Alice Liang.

Direct download: GeekboxRadio_Ep360.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:45pm PDT

The Geekbox: Episode 359

Wherein we discuss DC's Legends of Tomorrow, the ladies of the DC television universe, The X-Files, The Witness, Diablo III, cat training, World of Warcraft, our local sportsball championship, our nonexistent Geekbox documentary, the media that we devote our time to, and motion sickness in games. Starring Ryan Scott, Justin Haywald, Ryan Higgins, and Alice Liang.

Direct download: GeekboxRadio_Ep359.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:55pm PDT